How  learning Vocabulary changes your LIFE ?

Your everyday, your every work everything is based on your ideas or thought process. 

Your ideas are formed from what you read, what you learnt and what you experienced and how you analysed them. 

You are nothing but your ideas and beliefs.

Your ideas are formulated on words and that is where vocabulary was showing its effect without your attention.

 Most of you may have known 80/20 rule. 

According to this principle: 

20 percent of your activities will account for 80 percent of your results.- Brain Tracy

The 80% revenue in any field will go to top 20% and the remaining 20% revenue will go for remaining 80% people.

This top 20% was researched and was found that they have richest vocabulary compared to bottom 80%. 

And in another research a few people were taken and in that some were made to learn 10 words per day. The result was people who learned vocabulary daily life have been dramatically changed compared to non learners.

It was due to words are the water in the ocean called Thoughts.

So I strongly recommend you whether you are taking some exam or not, you should learn vocabulary. 

The words in this blog were so important if you are taking some test or reading English newspaper or reading an English magazine or reading your technical standard books.

You may be surprised that your word learning rate was so high than ever. 

In 1hr more than 50 words

I assure you with one time learning you will remember it forever. 

It may seem crazy but the best ideas are always crazy. 

It may seem you hard but with self discipline it was the easiest and best one you are going to start. 

Trust me and start now.

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